Now before you start send me emails yellin …” what do you MEAAAAN you don’t like travel/tournament style baseball!!? I thought you said getting reps at game speed is important!”

Yup I did say that. And I stand by it.

But I will also say this…if you want to take your game to the next level…you have to be comfortable with taking risks on the field.

That means experimenting with new ways of playing and competing.

Sometimes that means experiencing failure early on to achieve long-term success.

Ahhhhh. I think that might be my new favorite phrase. ” Loooooong term success.”

And from my experiences, travel ball….doesn’t support that.

Does that mean don’t play travel ball?


It means…don’t sacrifice TRUE progress for the “thrill” of being on a “winning team”.

I spent almost my entire little league career on losing little league teams.

And I ended up playing against some of the most talented players in the world because of it.

Let me know what you think of the video.

Mark “Long Term Success Lovin” Brooks

What are your thoughts?

What’s your opinion of this baseball video? Do you agree? Disagree? What has been your experience with travel and tournament style baseball?

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    1 Response to "why I’m not a fan of travel and tournament style baseball"

    • Tonya

      What exactly do you mean by “taking risks” and remaining “process oriented”?

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