I get very skeptical when I hear about a baseball player is is known as being fearless………

I call BULL!

Why exactly? Well simply because fear is an emotional response that has been developed as a means of survival for over thousands of years. Fear serves a functional purpose. I think when people see a baseball player who seems cool and collected and is able to execute and come through in clutch situations, they automatically assume, “Hey! This guys is FEEEAAAARLESS!”

Actually, what he is able to do is perform on a consistent basis in the presense of fear.

As you all know baseball is a game of failure. You fail more than you succeed. What will set you apart from players that you’re competing against as well as team-mates you’re competing with for playing time is you ability to repond to fear effectively.

You can start by taking full responsibility of your baseball career.

You can start by being accountable!

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    2 replies to "Baseball tips on accountability"

    • Scott

      Hey Mark! 

      Scott here from Florida. I just wanted to commend you on  the videos and interviews that you provide us and the overall job you do. I’m an entrepreneur and the tips and principles you go over are a perfect fit in the business world. 

      I can relate to that fear you speak of in todays video,every time I pick up the phone to speak to a prospect there is fear lurking its ugly head, but as you put it… It’s acting consistently in the face of the ever present fear that counts !

      I’m sure you realize that the work you’re doing has a mass appeal and you have potential to hit a broad market, there are so many parallels between sport and the struggles of everyday life.Keep up the good work my friend!

      • Mark Brooks

        Scott I really appreciate the kind words man! It’s comments like these that keep me motivated!

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