Alright everyone! So a lot of you have been sending in your questions about what steps you can take to cut down on strike-outs, drive the ball to all fields with power and consistency, and finally position yourself as a player who has the potential to play at the next level.
Ok……some of you have just been asking for advice about increasing bat speed but what I’m about to show you will do just that as well as all of the above!
In about 5 days, I will be releasing a content rich Bat Speed program that will review every aspect of increasing bat speed and developing the offensive tools that will help you to showcase yourself as a hitter that
- stands out on the field and in the line-up
- has the potential to perform in key situations
- is able to hit higher velocities while making the adjustment to the next level
- and most importantly has the confidence to be the type of player that has the CONFIDENCE to compete on a daily basis.
The truth is I don’t wan’t to give to much away until the launch date so make sure you stay tuned during the rest of the week!
It’s going to be awesome!